start the chain reaction of good deeds around the world!
Июль 2022
Charity Relay
The Charity Relay is a fundraising programme oriented to a wide audience of participants from around the globe and capable of achieving high results within a short time.
The principle of transferring the Charity Relay baton from person to person lies at the heart of the programme.
Active participation in the Relay will allow anyone interested, by making simple manipulations, to ensure tens of thousands dollars charity donations in just a few weeks and receive rewards on a permanent basis for donations from the partnership structure formed at the same time!
Watch a short video and learn how it works:

How does it work?
You take up the Charity Relay baton
To do this, it is necessary to sign up at the community's website through an invitation from any participant. You are here, that means you have already been invited! Sign up right now »
Up to now, more than 1 000 000 people from around the world take part in the Relay. All of them have structured relationships between each other that were formed during the last passing of the Сharity Relay baton from person to person.
When accepting the Charity Relay baton, you will occupy a place in the partnership structure of the participant (fundraiser) who invited you and make a charitable donation to the International Children Charitable Fund, Whole World to the amount of $100.
At the same time, you can start with any other amount from $10 and more — this will affect the amount of your future fundraising rewards within the Relay. Learn more >>

Thanks to your charitable donation, severely ill children will receive the help they need, and the fundraisers among 7 up-line Relay participants will receive cash rewards for help in charitable fundraising.

10 will be paid to the participant (fundraiser), at whose invitation you joined the Relay
$5 will receive each of those fundraisers whose places in the partnership structure of the Relay are at the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth level above you
$15 will be sent to the account of the fundraiser located at the seventh level of the partnership structure
You're passing the Charity Relay baton to others
By passing the charity relay baton to your friends, you will start the chain reaction of good deeds! Very soon, your friends will get followers, and those, in turn, their own followers, and so on...
Every day, more and more people take up the Charity Relay baton. The number of participants of your team is growing rapidly all over the world, and this process cannot be stopped!
Passing the baton is as easy as sharing on social networks the publications you liked, it is enough just to send your friends your invitation link to the Whole World website or post it on your social network.

Partnership Fundraising brings results!
Every time anyone of your partners within the team make a charitable donation, you receive the reward you deserve!
The number of people to which you can pass the baton to is UNLIMITED.
The more actively your partnership structure grows, the more money is sent to charity, and, in addition, the more and more rewards

For purposes of illustration:
Imagine that - you invited only 3 people to the Relay (however, you could invite even more)
Therefore, we have managed to send to charity $100 x 3 = $300, and you yourself have received fundraising rewards of $10 x 3 = $30

Let's say, each of your followers also invited 3 people (3 x 3 = 9) - $100 x 9 = $900 will be transferred to the charity fund, and you will receive $5 x 9 = $45

After that (at the 3rd level of the Relay), 27 new participants will join your team. Another $2700 will be sent to a charity, for which you will get a reward of +$135.

Every day, more and more new people take up the Charity Relay baton. The number of participants of your team is growing rapidly all over the world, and this process cannot be stopped!
Thus, it's not difficult to calculate that more than 3000 participants will be located at the 7 levels of your partnership structure very soon, who will send more than $300 000 to a charity, and your personal income will make $38 000!

This being said, you will note that you invited just 3 people...
In reality, however, you and your partners may invite as many people as you want!
Annual charitable donations
It is important to note that under the rules of the Relay Race, each fundraiser makes
charitable donations every year (absolutely voluntarily, of course).
Thanks to this, with each year, it is possible to send more money to charity, and your income, at the same time, is annually renewed, and time and time again, you receive rewards for repeated charitable donations made by the participants of the previously formed partnership structure.

Today, we’re inviting you
to join the Charity Relay and make your own contribution to the development of the international charitable movement, Whole World!