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that you can be proud of!
Charity Relay Race
Start the chain reaction of good deeds
around the world
As you help,
you are helped!
has never been so enjoyable!
The Project has been working since 2011
... Fundraisers from 165 countries
have already been with us!
On 11th of November, we have turned 6 years old!
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Благотворительное пожертвование
to CF Whole World
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Registered participants

This is the number of participants registered since the beginning of the project in November 2011.
Many of them have already become successful fundraisers.

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Fundraisers received

This is the total amount of funds received by fundraisers since the beginning of the project in November 2011.

Current receipts:

%fname% %sname%
%city%, %country_name%

Transferred to CF Whole World

This is the total amount of funds transferred by the participants for charity purposes during the whole period of cooperation of the project with
CF Whole World, i.e. since January 2013.

Current receipts:

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How to start an unlimited stream of good deeds
and get rewards for that
You take the Charity Relay baton
and make a small donation
Thanks to your charitable donation to the Whole World charity fund, seriously ill children will receive the necessary help, and the fundraisers which are your upline partners within the Relay will get rewards for effective fundraising!
You pass the relay baton to other people,
and they do the same thing
You pass the charity relay baton to other people,
and they, in their turn, pass it then and there!
In this way, your partnership structure is being formed,
and its depth can reach up to 7 generations.
The number of people you can personally invite
to participate in the project, IS UNLIMITED!
It results in the stream of charitable donations
from people from over the world
Every time anyone of your partners within the team make a charitable donation, you receive the reward you deserve!
The more actively your partnership structure grows, the more money is sent to charity, and, in addition, the more and more rewards for effective fundraising you get!
We have already helped
Ulugbek Dekhonov
7 years old
Aid Provided:
8 000 USD
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Ulugbek Dekhonov has a complex disease, a Hodgkin's lymphoma relapse. His aunt has asked the Whole World charitable fund for help. Since 2010, the boy was being treated in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and the city of St. Petersburg, and his family was paying for the expensive treatment all that time. But in 2012, they were not able to pay themselves for the treatment any more. Thanks to the help of the fundraising movement, Whole World, Ulugbek received six anti-relapse chemotherapy cycles and radiation therapy treatment in 2013, at Petrov Oncology Research Institute. At the beginning of March 2014, after a long treatment, the so long-awaited remission had set in.
Andrey Lesser
15 years old
Aid Provided:
19 000 USD
Left-sided idiopathic thoracic scoliosis, III degree
Andrey began to experience problems with his back at the age of 10. After a medical examination, he was directed to a hospital in the city of Tyumen, where the question of surgical correction was considered. The planned operation involves the surgical correction of the spinal deformity with implantation of expensive metallic structures. The fundraisers and benefactors of our community took the boy under patronage and fully paid for the treatment of Andrey.
Nikita Lykov
1 years old
Aid Provided:
111 300 USD
Bilateral retinoblastoma
In the age of six months, Nikita was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, or malignant tumour of retina of both eyes. Israeli doctors in Chaim Sheba Medical Centre promised not only to save the baby's life, but also save both his eyes. But an urgent hospitalization and a significant amount of money were required. With the direct participation of TGK-1, private sponsors and fundraisers of the Whole World movement, it was possible to collect in time the amount necessary to pay for the treatment of Nikita. The boy and his mother spent more than six months in the Israeli hospital. Now we are happy to inform that the doctors kept their promise. The boy is on the mend and has returned home.
Sasha Bushuyeva
13 years old
Aid Provided:
18 400 USD
Right-sided idiopathic thoracic scoliosis, III degree
Sasha Bushuyeva was growing up healthy as a healthy child, she liked sport, dancing and was a fidget. But in September 2013, the girl began to complain of pain in the back and then a hump appeared. After consulting the specialists it became clear that the child suffers from 3rd degree scoliosis and a paid surgery in the city of Tyumen is necessary. The Whole World fund, with the full support of the Whole World charitable movement, has undertaken obligations to purchase expensive metallic structures for Sasha.
Anna Kolevatova
11 years old
Aid Provided:
50 000 USD
Chondrosarcoma in proximal epimetaphysis
In January 2014, Anna was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma in proximal epimetaphysis of right ulna. An urgent surgery to remove the tumour and install the elbow joint endoprosthesis was required to save Anna's arm from amputation. We immediately started an emergency fundraising for Anna. The endoprosthesis for Anna was urgently manufactured in the United Kingdom. It was made using the latest technologies in the field of endoprosthetic care. The surgery to remove the tumour and install the endoprosthesis was successfully performed on 10th of April at Petrov Oncology Research Institute. A few days after the surgery, Anna moved her operated arm for the first time.
Ilya Fokin
17 years old
Aid Provided:
30 200 USD
Severe injury
Ilya Fokin was seriously injured as a result of an explosion of a gas cylinder in 2007. As a result, he suffered multiple fractures of the shoulder blade and collarbone, the humeral head was seriously damaged and subsequently removed. The boy has undergone multiple surgeries, but the arm still has not been recovered. By decision of specialists from G.I.Turner Institute and advice of R.R.Vreden Russian Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, it was necessary to perform an endoprosthesis replacement of the shoulder joint. It would allow to fix the arm and give the boy a chance to move the arm. The participants of the Whole World project have helped to collect the amount necessary to pay for the endoprosthesis and surgery.
Olga Pastuhova
15 years old
Aid Provided:
20 000 USD
Congenital pathology
Olga was born without the elbow and fingers on her right hand. The muscles responsible for movement in the elbow also were not well-formed. A complex surgery and endoprosthesis installation were required for the arm recovery.The necessary amount was raised thanks to the Whole World community. The surgery was performed at G.I.Turner Scientific and Research Orthopaedic Institute for Children in St. Petersburg. The complex and laborious work of surgeons on forming the elbow joint took more than five hours. Now, Olga is undergoing rehabilitation.
Alexey Kovalenko
15 years old
Aid Provided:
41 000 USD
Brain Tumour
On 22-st of November 2013, Alexey Kovalenko's mother asked the charity fund, Whole World for help. Her son was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour, an emergency surgery was required. It was recommended to perform the surgery at the Division of Paediatric Neurosurgery of Berlin's university hospital Charité. The surgery was scheduled for 27-th of November, the amount of 41000 dollars had to be raised a few days before. About 3000 our fundraisers from more than 100 countries had done the almost impossible in only two days. It can only be called a miracle. The necessary amount was raised and the sutgery was done in time. Today, Aleksey lives life to the full.
Ilya Finagin
12 years old
Aid Provided:
44 900 USD
Ewing's sarcoma of pelvic bones
In 2012, Ilya was diagnosed with terrible Ewing's sarcoma. The sarcoma has caused the affliction of pelvic bones and has led to the formation of metastases in the lungs and abdominal cavity. In September, Ilya was hospitalized into the 31-st City Clinical Hospital in Saint Petersburg, the Children's Oncology department. After six cycles of chemotherapy, it was necessary to remove the affected part of the boy's pelvis and install an endoprosthesis. Thanks to the efforts of the Whole World project and more than 3000 its participants, it was possible to raise the funds necessary for purchasing the expensive prosthesis manufactured in the UK. On 21-st of July 2013, Ilya underwent a difficult six-hour operation to install the pelvic bone endoprosthesis.
Alina Zhigalina
15 years old
Aid Provided:
60 500 USD
Ewing's Sarcoma
In March 2013, Alina was diagnosed with on of the most aggressive malignant tumour, Ewing's Sarcoma of right femur. It was necessary to perform an expensive high-tech surgery to install the right femur endoprosthesis in order to save the child's life. There was practically no time for waiting. The fundraisers of our community came to help and raised funds for the purchase of the expensive prosthesis. The girl underwent an extremely complex and many-hours-long surgery at Petrov Research Institute of Oncology in St. Petersburg.
Olga Zabludina
18 years old
Aid Provided:
8 300 USD
Ewing's Sarcoma
Olga Zabludina's mother asked the Whole World charitable fund for help in spring 2013. It all began in March 2012 during a medical examination, when Olga was diagnosed with terrible Ewing's sarcoma. Olga was admitted for treatment by an Israeli clinic, where the surgery on the left lung was performed and the surgery on the right one was planned. But before the second surgery, it was necessary to pay off the debt connected with the first one, but Olga's family did not have enough amount. Every day of delay could cost Olga Zabludina's life. The Whole World charitable community has transferred about 250 000 rubles to Zabludina's family.
Elina Kirilova
6 years old
Aid Provided:
11 700 USD
Malignant Tumour of Joint
Elina was diagnosed with a rare and very aggressive form of cancer of the radial bone of the arm at the end of 2012. The additional analysis carried out in St. Petersburg revealed centrers of metastases in the lungs. It was decided to urgently hospitalize the girl for chemotherapy and surgery to remove the tumour and install the implant. The Whole World community has taken custody of Elina. In 2013, Elina underwent several cycles of chemotherapy treatment and a surgery to remove the tumour and install metal structures instead of the affected bone. Thereafter, the so long-awaited remission had set in.
Medina Murtazaliyeva
15 years old
Aid Provided:
61 000 USD
Osteogenic sarcoma
Medina was diagnosed with a tumour of the shin bone. The doctors were fighting for her life during a year. A surgery was performed, but a year later the pain came back.After the health examination at Priorov Central Research Institute it became clear that the girl has a relapse and it is necessary to perform another surgery to replace the bone with an endoprosthesis. Because the quoted treatment was not available, and the girl needed a very urgent help, her parents asked the Whole World charitable fund for support. Thousands of participants of our community raised funds necessary to pay for the surgery and endoprosthesis for Medina. The surgery was successful and Medina returned to home after the rehabilitation period.
Ilya Demidov
7 years old
Aid Provided:
5 500 USD
Brain Tumour
Ilya's parents asked us for help after the boy began suffering of epileptic seizures caused by residual tumour. The boy quickly gained weight and could not move himself. Ilya needed further investigations at N.P.Behterev Institute of Human Brain, because there was no necessary equipment in Murmansk. An additional testing and a new treatment were required, and thus the additional funds had to be collected. During a month, the amount required to pay for flights, accommodation and treatment was raised by the Whole World community team.
Edmond Hachatryan
12 years old
Aid Provided:
40 000 USD
Osteogenic Sarcoma
Edmond Hachatryan is the first person under our care for whom the participants of our project were able to collect within only three weeks the amount necessary to pay for a growing endoprosthesis. The surgery was performed at the 31-th City Hospital in St. Petersburg by Dr. V.P.Silkov. After the successful surgery to replace the affected joint, Edmond underwent post-surgical chemotherapy and was discharged from the hospital. Now, the boy is at home, walks well and lives a full life.
Participants Reviews
I believe in helping children! That's why I'm always taking pictures with my grandchildren. The first thing that I loved about the Whole World charity programs is that it's a community of like-minded people from all over the world joining hands to help our children. My Heart goes out to children who, of no fault of their own, were born with disabilities and sickness that many can't be healed. But, we can do all that we can to help cure as many as we can and provide some comfort to those we can't and let God do the rest. I joined this company WholeWorld just yesterday. After some long research and just watching for weeks I decided to join and take a chance. I have 20 potential members that I have sponsored under me already. And will have 1000 by the end of the month . Ask me how!!! Who;eWorld have helped millions of children all around the world. But not only that they help the members who volunteer to help and give to the Children. There is an old Bible saying, "Give and it shall be given unto you press down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom". This is a truth with this company. So far I have found that the more you give here the more you will receive. There is also another saying that says, " It's better to teach a man how to fish than to just give him some fish! Because with a few fish, he can eat for a day. But he learns how to fish he can eat for a lifetime". WholeWorld is teaching us so we can receive for a lifetime.
First of all I am Cayetano Arambala a Filipino national who works in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Hello! everyone and to the whole world program especially to the Founder who has generous or heart giving and the management staff of the Public charity of Fundraising program, members worldwide and to my fellow Filipino countrymen not only for the OFW or an Overseas Filipino Workers around the world as well as to the rest members regardless of nationalities, religions, and races. I Joined the Whole World program last November 29, 2015 and am here to greet all of you a great pleasant to everyone who participated in our Whole world program for Public Charity to the entire children's cancer around the world. I am happy that in participating the Community world and interest in voluntarily supporting and helping to save our children of the world because I believe that our children is the light of our nation and earth. They are the fruitful generation who will serve us and save everyone of us as a parents in this world in their future .In our participation we believe also that we save our children thru our great and support for giving them even a small amount and affordable donation to their needs in assistance for financial use to cure their illness or cancer diseases. Thank you! Have a nice day & night, and more power God Bless!.
My name is Marcelo, I am Brazilian, but I live in Japan in search of a better life for me and my family. Enjoyed the system of WholeWorld International and I want help people change their lives. Today people do not have much motivation due to lack of opportunities or problems at work. I go through this same problem, so I decided to change everything for the better and feel very happy to provide the same joy to others worldwide.
I'm sure that we can grow this proyect together. Here in Celaya, Guanajuato Mexico, we started to make people know this system by a office placed in my house and many people are now interested just as me. I'm 29 years old, father of two beautiful kids, bank executive. And I'm sure this will be my personal business plan that will give us a financial stability.
The world is full of surprises & yet we dont know what the day has for us in store tomorrow, let alone those who are suffering under our watch, we as humans, should we let them suffer or we should take action?? taking actions does not mean me alone forking out thousands of money to help someone with life threatening issues, we also have to bear in mind that this poor people did not wish to have this life threatening sickness that is why Whole World has come up with this clever way of helping those who are in need of a help, forget the millions that you will definitely make here on Whole World & think of those you will be helping with the money you will be donating. Donating $100 to charity & in return you get $1 million.... WOW where have you seen something like this??? NOWHERE Only Here At Whole World. you will not only be helping with charity work but also earning as well, try it & you wont regret it Together We Stand Apart We Fall
I am Joan Wilson, a woman of purpose. I saw this add in face book group on how to make money on the internet. I look at the program, and listen to the video. I decided to join, and, the reason why I join it is because I do have that passion to help children, and this a good way to help. When I saw this plan, and system, I realize it is something I can relate to, because this program is helping children and that is what I would like to be apart of. I love helping children. I have accepted this challenge in being apart of this Charitable Organization to do more for children, who are always the victim in todays situation around the World. My motto also is 'Give, and it shall be given unto you'. I am Proud to be apart of WholeWorld.
I am a retired teacher from madanapalle famous for philosophy from where Maharish Mahesh yogi and Jiddu krishna murthy started their journey to the highest spirituality. Madanpalle is in andhrapradesh of india. your programme is really wonderful. by joining your community i feel highly elevated. i think that idea to develop the international charity programme will attract almost all rich and poor persons in the entire world and many poor are benefited and donors are blessed. I wish to spread the WholeWorld in india along with other rich countries and try my best to work meticulously.the distance between rich and poor be slowly diminished and all become happy
¿Por qué WholeWorld? WholeWorld es una innovadora y maravillosa oportunidad de participar en una labor mundial de caridad y además de generar ingresos. Veo esta iniciativa como una real, y además, loable, alternativa económica muy viable y sostenible para las personas de todo el mundo, frente a la explosión del desempleo, la pobreza y la miseria económica. Me he identificado profundamente con este proyecto para generar un impacto en la comunidad de América Latina, logrando lo que no puedo lograr individualmente. Se trata de una forma de mirar hacia adentro para encontrar solución a un desafío con muchas aristas por la falta de oportunidades de ingreso. Mediante la creación de un sistema basado en la internet que ofrece una posibilidad para todos y un componente con un valor incalculable llamado "caridad". Siento que este sistema está varios pasos adelante de cualquier compañía. Lo más importante: el programa permite participar de un proyecto económico WholeWorldobal que está muy de acuerdo con mi aspiración personal y me esforzaré al máximo para aprovechar el potencial que tienen la internet y las redes sociales, además, en ayudar capacitando a las personas que se interesen y permitir el acceso a esta solución para generar ingresos online como una forma de aportar mi grano de arena para contrarrestar el desempleo y la pobreza. En resumen, WholeWorld es una solución innovadora basada en internet que se enfoca en dos ámbitos, generación de ingresos y caridad. Un llamdo a servir.
Give and receive from your hart, with love from me and many people. I love Whole World because we help and receive. Help us fine more people to help and be help. We are looking for something that is already here. Look at video see how it work. You will not be reminded of how much money make, but how many people you have inspired.
Hello Everyone ! Welcome to the Whole World Community! My name is Patrick John Peguit from the Queen City of Cebu, Philippine. I'm a new participants of International Charity Program called WHOLE WORLD. I joined the community because I want to build a strong passive income in the internet at the same time to help people sharing the blessing to people around the world using the most efficient and effective system of charity works in WHOLE WORLD COMMUNITY. I invited to you guys to joined and be apart of the community . Building a good relationship and strong network of people with a good heart to help others. Come and lets bring success to everyone. Thank you and God bless.
I have this strong belief that, every person on earth is capable to link together as one world force to help us. We can overcome any poetical in our way that natural life can bombard at us.together as one united force of all regions of they WholeWorldobe working together for this one soul porpoise to help each outer & one we see this achieved it is like no better reward knowing that you can possibly help another human being from a totally different region from of this great huge earth miles feet away from you is amazing job well dun & deserves a bountiful rewards.
name Josue from San Antonio Texas I joined to help the world lwherever it needs help joined November 28 decided to join because that's what I do with my free time and I love to help out because in this day and age it's hard to find Good people in the World I love the idea of getting the whole world because it takes more than one person to change the world I haven't received anything physically but mentally I am end it warms my heart to know that I can do a good deed everyone is Linden A helping hand
I hard worker with trust and time orientation. i have experience as Administrative Officer. Now i am seeking a job . : To gain long term employment with a company that is on or looking to be on the cutting edge, a company that puts value on people and the products they are promoting. Honest and Ethical, I am looking to call this company my family.
Hello, I'm William live in Forli (Bologna) and I am a pensioner. My favorite hobby is to try to earn by working on the Internet. For the moment it's just a hobby because I got a little money in my wallet. With WholeWorld I hope that this hobby will become a profit so it's more fun. Great idea mutual aid in this time of WholeWorldobal crisis and nice to be helped and to help others. Best wishes to all for a future full of satisfactions.
Welcome Salvador Vallejo here I recently live in Oxnard Ca and for the past 8 years I've been dedicated to find solution for people's needs,When I came across with Whole World I saw the potential way to change people's life for something good to me this is a very easy way to share info based on increasing values on a positive way that would make a difference in anybody's life . I'm here to support you and work together on moving forward. Thanks
Welcome my friend, my name is MD NURUL ISLAM and I 'm living in CHITTAGONG city of BANWholeWorldADESH. I like "THE WholeWorld INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY" for two reasons: REASON ONE: I want to help (economically) other participants in the community. REASON TWO:I want to help children with cancer and their families, to cope with the future optimistically. It's time to take a step further, both for our favorite persons, and for those who need us. Ι ΄m looking forward to see you soon. Thanks for your time.
I am a retired lecturer of the University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, Algeria. So I am from Algeria but I spent my childhood in France and received a bicultural education. As soon as I saw your site, I decided to join your community in spite of the difficulties I had to do my contribution from my country, but I did all my best to reach this goal. I want to congratulate the Whole World Team for such an idea to include so many people in the same direction, CHARITY. For now, let me appreciate the act of kindness that I have done thanks to you. My motto is "peace, health and harmony"
My name is Hugh Martin I am from Selma, AL. I join this organization on Monday 4/25/16, registered on Sunday 4/24/16. The reason I decide to join this community, I like giving to help others, in this case sick kids. Kids are our future, we must give to keep them well. We must teach them so they can lead the way. I also like the business opportunity of Whole World Charity. I am very excited about this organization. I will do all I can to help others, and help myself to the best of my ability. I want to be a success in this charitable community.
Hola!, mi nombre es Javier Cortés y soy de la Ciudad de Puebla, Pue. (México), hace aproximadamente 4 meses y medio me enteré de esta magnífica oportunidad en la Internet y decidí no esperar mas, me percaté que había menos de 10 personas registradas en todo México y que en los países latinoamericanos ¡eran terreno virgen! para WholeWorld International. Algo que me conquistó fue saber que podíamos AYUDAR A SALVAR VIDAS de muchos niños en el mundo que están listados en la base de datos de la fundación Whole World, y que el sistema de WholeWorld International, era el medio por el cual esto podría lograrse de la forma mas eficiente, yo me he aprendido los nombres de muchos de estos niños y de los hospitales donde se atienden, pues de forma sincera estoy comprometido con lo que es para mi "nuestro principal propósito". Así que decidí tomar el liderazgo en los países hispanos y en tan solo 90 días llevamos a México de la posición 90° en el Ranking Mundial que ofrece en sus reportes la Fundación Whole World, a la posición 8° dentro de una lista de mas de 122 países...!!!, y hemos extendido ya nuestra red de benefactores ha Estados Unidos, Costa Rica y Argentina y seguimos creciendo de forma por demás exponencial. Mis planes son llevar a los países latinos a los primeros lugares a nivel mundial en el ranking de la Fundación, y demostrar que podemos influir en el mundo de forma positiva, "Ayudando Financieramente" y "Salvando Vidas". Tu puedes ser par
Olá, o meu nome é Elisabete e vivo em Portugal. Decidi inscrever-me na WHOLE WORLD porque me identifiquei com a visão do projeto. Faço parte de outros projetos com semelhante visão, e cujo objetivo é acabar com a pobreza no mundo e foi com grande entusiasmo e gratidão que conheci e me cadastrei nesta corrente de ajuda mutua.
I joined to this programm to conect with many people worldwide, join the international charity programm Whole World and I hope to gain with my work to with a lot of al persons who want to be involved. with all. I live in Stuttgart in Germany The results since 2 years are not so good, as I hoped, but now it can be, that people who join also pay to all of us ...being in this way a perfect referal for the programm.
O meu nome é Miguel Rodrigues de Souza, Sou brasileiro, moro na cidade de Campo Grande, no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul – Brasil. Eu entrei nesse programa por que é uma maneira de ajudar uma entidade que trata de crianças com câncer, uma maneira de juntamente com outros diminuir o sofrimento de alguém em sua infância que sofre sem esperança e sem recursos financeiros. O outro motive é que ao mesmo tempo que ajudo vou ser também ajudado. Tem mais a expectativa de Ganho é muito maior que a maioria dos marketing. Sem falar no valor que investe. Até este momento não ganhei nada, mas estou muito otimista, estou trabalhando, as Pessoas que falo do projeto gostam, acredito que aqui no Brasil vamos ter muita gente que vai abraçar este programa, se Deus quiser.
WHY WholeWorld?: WholeWorld is an innovative community income generation and economic empowerment system, with a wonderful opportunity to participate in WholeWorldobal charity work. Indeed I see the WholeWorld project as a veritable, viable and sustainable hence laudable, economic empowerment alternative to the masses around the world, in the face of geometric unemployment explosion, poverty and economic destitution. So I have identified with the WholeWorld opportunity to impact on peoples lives by way of community economic empowerment and thereby empowering myself economically, achieving what I cannot achieve individually. It is a innovative way of looking inwards for solution to a hydra-headed challenge of lack of income and money powers. By creating an IT/Internet-based system that provides equal opportunity for all, the charity component, and tapping the world population, at very minimal cost of about $6/month membership fee, I feel this programme is several steps ahead of its competitors. Most importantly, the WholeWorld economic solution/system/project drive is very much in line with my personal aspiration and strives: tapping the full potentials of the internet/IT to empower people, by enabling access to e-Job solution as a way out of the seeminWholeWorldy helpless WholeWorldobal unemployment, poverty and crimes situations. In short, WholeWorld is an IT/Internet-based innovative solution to WholeWorldobal income and charity needs. A call to self-community economic help and a call to serve humanity
My Name is Mohammed Omer and I am 33 years I was born in UAE (United Arab Emirates) but now I reside in Sudan (my home country) I came across WholeWorld throw an AD in a group on Facebook from my Sponsor I'm always a fan of new ideas and the idea of generating wealth by helping other caught my attention and thought this looks like something worth exploring I am a Network Marketer and look for more opportunities to invest in and be part of Charity sadly became a means to an end rather than a message and quest to fulfill I mean people uses Charity to show off how much money they can spend rather than spending it to develop and up-level the needed areas Now charity is all about sending food and medical supplies rather than building schools and teach men to farm or develop their lands I honestly don't know what to expect to achieve to be honest but I know once I find my right position here in the company I know my message and my unfulfilled quests But I know this: Charity is always the best investment (whenever you place your money in the name of charity) things will be more brighter in your life, in your career and in your personality :) Wish you all the best.. and keep the Wheel of Charity turning NON-STOP ;)
My name is Fikile from Durban, I love the idea of the international charity program cos for me it is a way of touching lives who are in need. Knowing that I have somewhat made a difference with my little donation gives me the fulfilment. I plan to tell more people about Whole World and the fact that what you do comes back to you either good or bad that is why I choose to do good.
Hello to our friends around the world I am from Rama Ram Gaddam very happy that I have become one of the members (whole world)where I find pleasure in helping others and help each other and I hope to continue to work hard and we are continuing to take advantage of others It's great work and a great professional, orderly and what he is doing all those responsible for this wonderful site I hope anyone to see that my message is registering now and without hesitation (whole World ) humanitarian work and has a benefit for all people around the world without any great two elements Now - now - now - not tomorrow? Register and be one of the members of the (whole World )
I am retired Insurance Salesman, and throughout my career I have attempted to establish an alternate source of income with no lasting results. I live in a small developing country made up of a chain of islands, the Bahamas, off the coast of Florida, USA. We in the Bahamas have in the past experimented with a local aid program similar to WholeWorld's, which unfortunately turned out to be an illegal "pyramid". In the early part in 2014, I discovered "WholeWorld" while surfing the net and immediately signed on. This method, as I saw it, eliminated the unfair aspects of the "pyramid" and has opened up the world as a source of prospects with whom I can share this opportunity. My intention is to recommend this program to as many people as I can, in the Bahamas as well as worldwide.
I am Paul Pruel of Philippines at legal age, a sinWholeWorlde dad with three loving children. Today I decided to join with this community through a friend of mine at Facebook, who guided me to check out your website for the purpose to learn what this community has to offer to its registered members. About the idea to develop the international charity program Whole World for me it is a good approach and a positive way to help people around the world, especially those recipients who are really in need. Being an online blogger, one of my plans is to help Whole World community to promote its goals and to reach other people around the WholeWorldobe and attract them to join with this community through blog and blogging and share them out through social networks available online.
Hello, My name is Mike Kitzler and live in Mosbach, Germany. I joined to Whole World few days ago and I'm really appreciate that I can be part of this great, outstanding, and amazing system. Whole World helps people, who needs help and it was my pleasure to spent 100$ for those people.......Everyone can be an part of Whole World to help people around the world.
Participar de um programa que conta com mais de 700.000 colaboradores auxiliando conjuntamente e revertendo parte dessa grande empreitada para o auxilio de crianças portadoras de câncer, é algo que ainda não tinha visto em minha caminhada como investidor, e o mais importante é a forma como tudo isso é feito, com transparência, honestidade, onde desde a abertura da conta até a distribuição dos depósitos, acontecem automaticamente, esses valores são em dólares, portanto são muito bem valorizados e ajuda a todos uniformemente e tenham certeza não há negócio igual em todo o mundo onde a visão maior é ajudar-se mutuamente e todos sem restrição desenvolvem-se financeiramente sem iludir-se como acontecem por aí. Se estava procurando meio de estabilizar-se financeiramente sem complicações? Invista no lugar certo e com as pessoas certas, acredite em você, pois nós acreditamos! SUCESSO SEMPRE .
Karşılık ve mali yardım alma WholeWorld Charity gibi bir şey olağan görünümünü değiştirir. Biz ahlaki değil, aynı zamanda maddi tatmini sadece getiriyor sadaka katılımın çok daha hoş ve ilginç olduğunu kanıtlamıştır! Sadece ... hayal karşılığında kamu hayır nesnesi haline ve tüm dünyada insanların ücretsiz mali yardım almak, sadece bir kez bir hayırsever bağış yapılmış olması. Topluluğa daha aktif davet yeni katılımcılar, daha fazla para transferleri sadaka yönlendirilir, ve daha sık mali yardım almak! Eğer mali yardım olarak alabilirsiniz parasal fonların hacmi bir WholeWorld üyesi olmanın neredeyse sınırsızdır. Bu günde 10, 50, 100 hatta 1000 transferler olabilir! Ve para transferleri 0.2-15 USD tutarında olabilir. Başlayın »Nasıl öğrenin Sadelik ve İşlemler Güvenlik Eğer elektronik ödeme sistemleri ile aşina değilseniz veya kesinlikle önemli değildir. Altın Hattı toplumda ödeme mekanizmaları son derece basit ve erişimi kolay, ve tüm işlemleri otomatik olarak gerçekleştirilir, böylece sistem tasarlanmıştır! Uluslararası ödeme hizmeti WalletOne sağlayan ve WholeWorld sistemi (WalletOne, W1) mali yardım almak için kullanılır.
Hello, I am Paras Tandon from India. I decided to join Whole World because I feel it's a platform which not only offers income but also enables one to do something for a social cause. 105$ is not a big deal to fulfill your dreams. Being an International Charity program, it also brings unity amongst nations for a noble cause. Come and join the program for your inner satisfaction of earning money and helping people at the same time. It's indeed a great initiative and I completely support it. I also plan to associate all my friends & relatives. Kudos to such a great cause! :) Should you require any guidance or have any query, I will provide you all the assistance to make you feel comfortable in joining wholeworld with the time and money you put in.
Hello everyone, My name is Lennox Kalaka. I am a Zambian citizen aged 40. I come from a town called Kabwe, in Central Province of Zambia. Well, I came to learn about Whole World Partnership on social media in January, 2018. After reading more, about it, I got interested and quickly joined the community. The idea to develop the international charity program is great. I want to be part of the community who are concerned about the welfare of mankind world-wide. Firstly, I believe that we are one people regardless of our nationality, race, religion and gender. Today, the world has millions and millions of less privileged people. It beats me to see my fellow human beings undergo untold hardships. This is the more reason why I want to be part of a community that is rendering support to people who need it. I am made to believe that together we can change this world
Hallo... ich wohne in Berlin und habe mich für WholeWorld im Februar 2013 entschieden, weil es so einfach und so einzigartig ist. Hilfe die tatsächlich da ankommt, wo sie benötigt wird, "JA" bei WHOLE-WORLD und auch jeder erhält Hilfe, der hier mit dabei ist und das so lange wie Du willst und Dich dafür entscheidest. Hier stimmt der Spruch... Hilf und auch Dir wird geholfen werden !!!
Making a difference is always about little things, and becoming a part of WholeWorld is just adding your own grain of sand to people who need. We will do our best to help all the people who are in need around the world! Make a difference, join the project, become a grain of sand to change the world.
My name is Rachel i am from connecticut came across Whole World throw an AD in a group on Facebook I decided to join whole world International in 10/31/2015 why i decided to join? because you show me a real way of making money and helping other people. My plan are to continue helping children and charities around the world why don't you join now? Thanks To Whole World God Bless You !
A nossa missão é deixar o planeta melhor do que o encontramos. E porque não fazer isso ajudando os outros e ao mesmo tempo ajudando-nos? Com este projeto podemos fazer exatamente isso: ajudar pessoas ao redor do mundo, criando uma rede mundial e unindo pessoas de diferentes países, e ao mesmo tempo criando abundância, prosperidade e sucesso nas nossas próprias vidas. Obrigado.
Olá Sou Gilvan Santos. Atualmente estou morando no Brazil. Tomei a decisão de participar dessa comunidade porque acredito que apenas uma pessoa não pode melhorar o mundo. Mais se essas pessoas reunir suas forças a mudança se torna real. Estou bastante alegre e confiante a respeito de minha participação na wholeworld. Acredito que são as boas intenções e as boas ideias que revolucionam o mundo. Apesar do mundo estar passando por crises, acredito que esse programa de caridade internacional poderá melhorar muito, a vida das pessoas tanto particular como familiar Estou iniciando na comunidade, por isso estou torcendo muito pelo sucesso de todos. Desde já agradeço.
Welcome my friend, my name is Iraklis Pastos and i 'm living in Chalkida city of Greece. I like "THE WholeWorld INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY" for two reasons: REASON ONE: I want to help (economically) other participants in the community. REASON TWO:I want to help children with cancer and their families, to cope with the future optimistically. It's time to take a step further, both for our favorite persons, and for those who need us. Ι ΄m looking forward to see you soon. Thanks for your time. WITH APPRICIATE IRAKLIS PASTOS
Ciao a tutti,ho conosciuto Wholeworld tramite un amico,mi sono informata,documentata e sono rimasta affascinata da tutto cio' che sta facendo sia per i bimbi che sono stati meno fortunati di tanti altri,sia per i loro cari,lanciando in tutto il mondo un messaggio di aiuto fantastico,affinche tutte le persone che vengono a conoscenza di questa grande iniziativa di aiuto,possano contribuire a restituire il sorriso a tutti questi angeli e alle loro famiWholeWorldie. Il nostro contributo in loro favore da la gioia di una vita futura caratterizzata non solo dalla felicita di vivere una vita normale,uguale aWholeWorldi altri bimbi,ma di iniziare finalmente una nuova fantastica emozione con il ricordo indelebile che li fara' crescere e percorrere un esistenza unica di amore verso il mondo,perchè dal mondo sono rinati,grazie all'amore di chi ha voluto i loro sorrisi felici! Grazie Wholeworld anche da parte mia!!


February 2025

Vladimir Ruzanov
Russia, St. Petersburg
2 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
14 Benefactors (MARATHON)
19 Volunteers
Tatyana Agapova
Russia, Azov
1 Benefactor (RELAY RACE)
0 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Koffi Azigui
Canada, Hull
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
2 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Tatiana Petrova
Russia, Irkutsk
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Evgeniya Shevchenko
Ukraine, Zaporozhe
2 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
0 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Andrej Bel'bjakov
Russia, Krasnodar
1 Benefactor (RELAY RACE)
0 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Irina Markelova
Russia, Rostov-na-donu
2 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
0 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Nikolaj Djurjagin
Russia, Sredneuralsk
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
0 Benefactors (MARATHON)
130 Volunteers
Julia Biryukova
Russia, Moscow
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
0 Benefactors (MARATHON)
116 Volunteers
Pavel Hila-cojan
Romania, Bucharest
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
0 Benefactors (MARATHON)
61 Volunteer
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
An amount of money sent to charity purposes previous month thanks to the activity of this fundraiser.
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