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Yeah! Gifts for everyone!
$10 for you
Activate your account today
and get $10 that can be used to activate the Business Machine service!
You will be able to get new partners without invitations!
Yeah! Gifts for everyone!
Until 31st of March we give $10 for account activation!

Yeah! Gifts for everyone!
$10 for you
Activate your account today
and get $10 that can be used to activate the Business Machine service!
You will be able to get new partners without invitations!
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Russian English Italian French German Spanish Portuguese Chinese Georgian
The participant with this profile is not found!
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In order to recover the access to your account enter one of the following details:

E-mail, Phone Number, Login ID or Certificate Number



An access recovery code will be sent to the e-mail address and phone number specified in the Profile section of your account. If you have not received the message within 10 minutes, please check the SPAM box. If you have really not received the recovery code, neither by e-mail nor SMS, or if you don't remember your registration details, please consult our customer support service or contact us via Skype.

Restore access


An access recovery code will be sent to the e-mail address and phone number specified in the Profile section of your account. If you have not received the message within 10 minutes, please check the SPAM box. If you have really not received the recovery code, neither by e-mail nor SMS, or if you don't remember your registration details, please consult our customer support service or contact us via Skype.

Do you really want to delete your account?
After removal you will not be able to regain access to it
As you help,
you are helped!
has never been so enjoyable!
Partnership Fundraising - It's Easy!

To date, more than 1 000 000 people all over the world are participants of the international charity project, Whole World and their number is steadily growing.

One of the main reasons for such a high popularity of our community is the use of the Partnership Fundraising concept, thanks to which any interested person within only a few weeks of participation can send millions of roubles (thousands of dollars) for charitable purposes by making simple manipulations and get steadily growing income generated by the simultaneously formed partnership structure.

It does not require any special knowledge and skills, so practically everyone can become a successful fundraiser within the Whole World platform!

Kindness comes back!

The unique feature of the Partnership Fundraising is the fact that the Fundraisers earn income from their activities NOT in the form of agent commission, but in the same form of the charitable donation from other participants involved in their partnership structure.

Every time any of the participant's partners in the structure makes a charitable donation, it also receives financial revenue!

Automation of Payments!

The payment mechanisms used in the Partner Fundraising are exceptionally simple and easy of access, and the system itself is designed in the way that all operations are performed automatically!

Within the Whole World platform, international payment services are used to send and receive money transfers.

The purse linking is made in two simple steps:

When signing up for the community, you create a personal purse in one of the offered payment services free of charge and link it to your Whole World account.

Hereafter, you will be able to provide financial aid from this purse and receive money transfers from other participants to it.

Tutorial on Creation and Linking a Purse »

The unique technology developed by Whole World, LLC allows to automate the process of making money transfers and monitoring of their execution, completely eliminating the human factor.

It means that you do not need any more to manually confirm the receipts of transfers, independently manage all payment orders and send confirmations of the transfers you have made – all these operations will be performed in an automatic regime within the Whole World platform!

The money transfers sent to you by other participants immediately come to the WalletOne purse linked to your account. All transactions are accompanied by e-mail and SMS notifications.

In order to cash out the received funds, it is enough to log in to your purse at the website of the chosen payment system and place a withdrawal order in a way convenient for you.
In addition, the balance of your electronic purse can be used for instant Internet payments for various goods or services.

Effective Tools

We have significantly expanded our Fundraisers' capabilities and made this kind of activity much more accessible to everyone interested in it!

We provide a variety of useful tools and services in order to maximally simplify the workflow process of each fundraiser and make it as effective as possible.

Kindness comes back to you. Join us! Sign Up