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Yeah! Gifts for everyone!
$10 for you
Activate your account today
and get $10 that can be used to activate the Business Machine service!
You will be able to get new partners without invitations!
Yeah! Gifts for everyone!
Until 31st of March we give $10 for account activation!

Yeah! Gifts for everyone!
$10 for you
Activate your account today
and get $10 that can be used to activate the Business Machine service!
You will be able to get new partners without invitations!
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Why people participate in Whole World?
There are at least 50 reasons why!

Dear Friends, we have carried out a big survey among thousands of our participants, in which asked everyone of them to tell us the 10 most important reasons for their participation in Whole World.

As a result, we have received a lot of different answers that help us to compose a list of the 50 main advantages of the Program.

We have arranged this list in the form of separate pictures with a detailed description of each reason and presented it in this section. Be sure to get familiar with them and recommend all your partners to learn them, too. This information will help to better understand all the nuances of the Whole World Program and probably will reveal to you many new points that you did not even knew existed!

Reason 1 of 50
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Legal and reliable company

It has been operating since 2011 within the legal field of all
countries of the world, and has already proven its reliability
over the years.

Legality and time proved reliability of the Company - this is, probably, one of the most significant reasons determining the participants' choice.

The company is officially registered in the Russian Federation as Whole World, LLC, and five years of a stable and successful work of the project confirm the vitality and effectiveness of the innovative fundraising model proposed by us.

We no longer need to prove anyone anything. ‪Whole World‬ works like clockwork and will work forever!

See the Company's documents here »

Reason 2 of 50
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Unique Concept

The program is based on the Partnership
Fundraising Concept.
When participating in Whole World,
you are helping seriously ill children!

Without any doubts, Whole World is a unique and probably the only network project at such a level, the main goal of which is CHARITY!

And despite the fact that the concept of partnership fundraising was not established instantaneously, but only a year after the project's start, today, Whole World (ex-Whole World) cannot be imagined otherwise.

Since October 2012, our company has been an official partner of the International Charitable Foundation, Whole World (, whereby has been intensively participating in the informational support of fundraising campaigns for the benefit of the ICCF Whole World and independently organizing such campaigns for the purposes of the Foundation's charitable program.

Thanks to the efforts of our fundraisers, we have managed to send more than 800 000 USD to help children, and this is just the beginning... Indeed, the larger income is received by the ‪Whole World‬ participants every day, the more funds are sent to charity!

Reason 3 of 50
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The size of your earnings
is unlimited!

You decide yourself how much
and how quickly you want to earn.

Everything depends only on your own desire!

When developing marketing plans for Whole World, we set our self a task to create a business model that gives every participant an opportunity to earn exactly as much as he or she wants.

And we see, that we have done it excellently!

If you want to earn 100 USD daily - it is possible, if you need 1000 USD daily - there is also no problem with it... And if you have decided to become a millionaire, you will become a millionaire!

Make as much effort as you consider necessary to develop your business with ‪‎Whole World‬, and the result will not be late in coming!

Reason 4 of 50
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Absence of risks

All money transfers are carried out directly between the participants,
the funds instantly come to their accounts in payment systems!

Whole World is unique in all ways! And the process of payment and receiving money is not an exception.

The Company does not accept monetary funds to its accounts, does not accumulate and redistribute them. All money transfers are made directly between participants and are instantly credited to their accounts in international payment services.

The unique technology developed by Whole World, LLC allows to automate the process of making money transfers and monitoring of their execution, completely eliminating the human factor.

It means that you do not need any more to manually confirm the receipts of transfers, personally manage all payment orders and send confirmations of the transfers you have made – all these operations will be performed in an automatic regime within the Whole World‪‬ platform!

In order to cash out the received funds, it is enough to log in to your purse at the website of the chosen payment system and place a withdrawal order in a convenient way, or use the funds for instant Internet payments for different goods or services.

Reason 5 of 50
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Full automation

You do not need any more to manually send money transfers
and confirm their receipt.

In Whole World it will be done automatically!

It is worth to note that conceptually similar "financial mutual aid systems" existed well before the start of Whole World and were promoted without the Internet at all, by means of sending some semblance of certificates with the recipients' details lists by regular mail or from hand to hand, from person to person...

Of course, such systems, with their apparent simplicity and greatness, were not able to function properly and bring any long-term passive income to their participants due to total vulnerability to the unfair participants' fraud and trivial human factor...

With the development of Internet technologies, their counterparts began to appear on the network, bt they also were not automated at all and were fully dependent on the human factor, so could not work during a long time, or were based on the financial pyramid principle forbidden by law (they received money to their accounts and redistributed it among the participants).

We have taken these features into account and created a perfect system that one could only dream of before! The unique technology developed by Whole World, LLC has allowed to hundred-per-cent automate the process of making money transfers and monitoring their execution, completely eliminating the human factor.

Our participants do not need to manually confirm the receipts of transfers, personally manage numerous payment orders and send confirmations of the transfers they have made – within the ‪‎Whole World‬ platform all these operations will be performed in an automatic regime, simply in one click!

Reason 6 of 50
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Easy payments and money withdrawal

We collaborate with leading international payment systems,
thereby the participation in Whole World is available for the citizens
of all countries of the world!

It took us considerable amount of time to establish cooperation relationships with popular international payment systems and provide participants with convenient methods of payment and money withdrawal.

One can confidently say that the Whole World project is second to none in this respect today! You can make payments and receive money by almost any means at any point of the globe.

Thereby, the participation in the project is available to citizens of all countries, the idea of ‎Whole World‬ is truly global and brings together more and more people from around the world with each passing day.

However, work on improving payment mechanisms persists at every moment and we hope to soon provide each participant with a personal branded Whole World card for more comfortable business operations!

Reason 7 of 50
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There is no minimum limit
for money withdrawal

The money is transferred directly to your electronic purse.
You can manage the money immediately after their receipt.

Aside from there is no minimum withdrawal amount in Whole World, there is ABSOLUTELY NO such a concept as "money withdrawal" here.

All money is transferred to your electronic purse not just fast, but instantly, without going through the Company's account at all!

Thereby in ‪‎Whole World‬ you are not dependent on either minimum withdrawal amount or speed of processing your money withdrawal request by an administrator (as it often happens in other projects) so you can manage your money RIGHT AFTER receiving them!

Reason 8 of 50
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Modern technologies and design

High-tech website and personal office,
creative design solutions.

"When doing something, do it better than the others!" - we follow exactly this principle when developing the Whole World system.

We take responsibility and implement the most challenging marketing ideas and complex technological solutions in order to be the best in our field, not only to appear as such.

Our designers have long habituated the participants to the high quality of absolutely all the elements, from banal pictures to the most quiet corners of the Whole World portal.

We have created a web resource to which one can proudly invite potential partners and see the admiration in their eyes. And you must admit that this is worth much!

And, of course, envious persons are watching us all the time, trying to imitate us and copy almost all our features... but the "Chinese fakes" still always remain the same! But we are still happy, because this is the best sign for us, meaning that we are going in a right direction and only we are changing the game!

Reason 9 of 50
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There is no need to sell anything!

There is no need to buy or force anyone to buy useless goods and services.

Money is the most required product in the world!

Perhaps those who are conversant with classical network marketing recall with horror the monthly purchases of "completely unique, nanotechnological, super-useful and miraculous goods" wholeheartedly supplied (at their expense) by their favourite MLM company.

And, of course, it is simply impossible to forget the high words about the appalling characteristics of one or another product that one could tell from memory to potential partners and buyers for 24 hours together...

Fortunately, it is a thing of the past!

The Whole World participants are not required to purchase useless goods or services, they do not need to force anyone to buy something, or, Heaven forbid, to deceive anyone when telling about their offers. Money is the most wanted product in the world and it's goodness does not need to be additionally described to anyone...

We always count on pure logic and good sense that allow every participant to make a decision in favour of ‪‎Whole World‬ absolutely self-consciously!


It's very easy to invite

There is no need to convince anyone.

After watching a understandable video presentation,
people decide about the participation themselves!

Do you remember the beginning of your participation in Whole World? How did you become acquainted with the idea of the project, and what did encourage you?

Of course, it was the video presentation "HOW IT WORKS"! Let's face it, we are right.

Everything started in 2011 exactly with this video... and up to now it excites the minds of thousands of people around the world every day!

Just show the Whole World video presentation to any person, and he or she will put questions about the System already in 6 minutes, so you will just need to competently answer them!

P.S. We know about your numerous requests to translate this video into other languages and we promise that very soon all video presentations and the official website content will be represented in all most widely spoken languages (in addition to RU and EN).

Kindness comes back to you. Join us! Sign Up