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Until 31st of July we give $10 for account activation!

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and get $10 that can be used to activate the Business Machine service!
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that you can be proud of!
Charity Relay Race
Start the chain reaction of good deeds
around the world
As you help,
you are helped!
has never been so enjoyable!
The Project has been working since 2011
... Fundraisers from 165 countries
have already been with us!
On 11th of November, we have turned 6 years old!
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Благотворительное пожертвование
to CF Whole World
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Registered participants

This is the number of participants registered since the beginning of the project in November 2011.
Many of them have already become successful fundraisers.

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Fundraisers received

This is the total amount of funds received by fundraisers since the beginning of the project in November 2011.

Current receipts:

%fname% %sname%
%city%, %country_name%

Transferred to CF Whole World

This is the total amount of funds transferred by the participants for charity purposes during the whole period of cooperation of the project with
CF Whole World, i.e. since January 2013.

Current receipts:

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How to start an unlimited stream of good deeds
and get rewards for that
You take the Charity Relay baton
and make a small donation
Thanks to your charitable donation to the Whole World charity fund, seriously ill children will receive the necessary help, and the fundraisers which are your upline partners within the Relay will get rewards for effective fundraising!
You pass the relay baton to other people,
and they do the same thing
You pass the charity relay baton to other people,
and they, in their turn, pass it then and there!
In this way, your partnership structure is being formed,
and its depth can reach up to 7 generations.
The number of people you can personally invite
to participate in the project, IS UNLIMITED!
It results in the stream of charitable donations
from people from over the world
Every time anyone of your partners within the team make a charitable donation, you receive the reward you deserve!
The more actively your partnership structure grows, the more money is sent to charity, and, in addition, the more and more rewards for effective fundraising you get!
We have already helped
Ulugbek Dekhonov
7 years old
Aid Provided:
8 000 USD
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Ulugbek Dekhonov has a complex disease, a Hodgkin's lymphoma relapse. His aunt has asked the Whole World charitable fund for help. Since 2010, the boy was being treated in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and the city of St. Petersburg, and his family was paying for the expensive treatment all that time. But in 2012, they were not able to pay themselves for the treatment any more. Thanks to the help of the fundraising movement, Whole World, Ulugbek received six anti-relapse chemotherapy cycles and radiation therapy treatment in 2013, at Petrov Oncology Research Institute. At the beginning of March 2014, after a long treatment, the so long-awaited remission had set in.
Andrey Lesser
15 years old
Aid Provided:
19 000 USD
Left-sided idiopathic thoracic scoliosis, III degree
Andrey began to experience problems with his back at the age of 10. After a medical examination, he was directed to a hospital in the city of Tyumen, where the question of surgical correction was considered. The planned operation involves the surgical correction of the spinal deformity with implantation of expensive metallic structures. The fundraisers and benefactors of our community took the boy under patronage and fully paid for the treatment of Andrey.
Nikita Lykov
1 years old
Aid Provided:
111 300 USD
Bilateral retinoblastoma
In the age of six months, Nikita was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, or malignant tumour of retina of both eyes. Israeli doctors in Chaim Sheba Medical Centre promised not only to save the baby's life, but also save both his eyes. But an urgent hospitalization and a significant amount of money were required. With the direct participation of TGK-1, private sponsors and fundraisers of the Whole World movement, it was possible to collect in time the amount necessary to pay for the treatment of Nikita. The boy and his mother spent more than six months in the Israeli hospital. Now we are happy to inform that the doctors kept their promise. The boy is on the mend and has returned home.
Sasha Bushuyeva
13 years old
Aid Provided:
18 400 USD
Right-sided idiopathic thoracic scoliosis, III degree
Sasha Bushuyeva was growing up healthy as a healthy child, she liked sport, dancing and was a fidget. But in September 2013, the girl began to complain of pain in the back and then a hump appeared. After consulting the specialists it became clear that the child suffers from 3rd degree scoliosis and a paid surgery in the city of Tyumen is necessary. The Whole World fund, with the full support of the Whole World charitable movement, has undertaken obligations to purchase expensive metallic structures for Sasha.
Anna Kolevatova
11 years old
Aid Provided:
50 000 USD
Chondrosarcoma in proximal epimetaphysis
In January 2014, Anna was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma in proximal epimetaphysis of right ulna. An urgent surgery to remove the tumour and install the elbow joint endoprosthesis was required to save Anna's arm from amputation. We immediately started an emergency fundraising for Anna. The endoprosthesis for Anna was urgently manufactured in the United Kingdom. It was made using the latest technologies in the field of endoprosthetic care. The surgery to remove the tumour and install the endoprosthesis was successfully performed on 10th of April at Petrov Oncology Research Institute. A few days after the surgery, Anna moved her operated arm for the first time.
Ilya Fokin
17 years old
Aid Provided:
30 200 USD
Severe injury
Ilya Fokin was seriously injured as a result of an explosion of a gas cylinder in 2007. As a result, he suffered multiple fractures of the shoulder blade and collarbone, the humeral head was seriously damaged and subsequently removed. The boy has undergone multiple surgeries, but the arm still has not been recovered. By decision of specialists from G.I.Turner Institute and advice of R.R.Vreden Russian Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, it was necessary to perform an endoprosthesis replacement of the shoulder joint. It would allow to fix the arm and give the boy a chance to move the arm. The participants of the Whole World project have helped to collect the amount necessary to pay for the endoprosthesis and surgery.
Olga Pastuhova
15 years old
Aid Provided:
20 000 USD
Congenital pathology
Olga was born without the elbow and fingers on her right hand. The muscles responsible for movement in the elbow also were not well-formed. A complex surgery and endoprosthesis installation were required for the arm recovery.The necessary amount was raised thanks to the Whole World community. The surgery was performed at G.I.Turner Scientific and Research Orthopaedic Institute for Children in St. Petersburg. The complex and laborious work of surgeons on forming the elbow joint took more than five hours. Now, Olga is undergoing rehabilitation.
Alexey Kovalenko
15 years old
Aid Provided:
41 000 USD
Brain Tumour
On 22-st of November 2013, Alexey Kovalenko's mother asked the charity fund, Whole World for help. Her son was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour, an emergency surgery was required. It was recommended to perform the surgery at the Division of Paediatric Neurosurgery of Berlin's university hospital Charité. The surgery was scheduled for 27-th of November, the amount of 41000 dollars had to be raised a few days before. About 3000 our fundraisers from more than 100 countries had done the almost impossible in only two days. It can only be called a miracle. The necessary amount was raised and the sutgery was done in time. Today, Aleksey lives life to the full.
Ilya Finagin
12 years old
Aid Provided:
44 900 USD
Ewing's sarcoma of pelvic bones
In 2012, Ilya was diagnosed with terrible Ewing's sarcoma. The sarcoma has caused the affliction of pelvic bones and has led to the formation of metastases in the lungs and abdominal cavity. In September, Ilya was hospitalized into the 31-st City Clinical Hospital in Saint Petersburg, the Children's Oncology department. After six cycles of chemotherapy, it was necessary to remove the affected part of the boy's pelvis and install an endoprosthesis. Thanks to the efforts of the Whole World project and more than 3000 its participants, it was possible to raise the funds necessary for purchasing the expensive prosthesis manufactured in the UK. On 21-st of July 2013, Ilya underwent a difficult six-hour operation to install the pelvic bone endoprosthesis.
Alina Zhigalina
15 years old
Aid Provided:
60 500 USD
Ewing's Sarcoma
In March 2013, Alina was diagnosed with on of the most aggressive malignant tumour, Ewing's Sarcoma of right femur. It was necessary to perform an expensive high-tech surgery to install the right femur endoprosthesis in order to save the child's life. There was practically no time for waiting. The fundraisers of our community came to help and raised funds for the purchase of the expensive prosthesis. The girl underwent an extremely complex and many-hours-long surgery at Petrov Research Institute of Oncology in St. Petersburg.
Olga Zabludina
18 years old
Aid Provided:
8 300 USD
Ewing's Sarcoma
Olga Zabludina's mother asked the Whole World charitable fund for help in spring 2013. It all began in March 2012 during a medical examination, when Olga was diagnosed with terrible Ewing's sarcoma. Olga was admitted for treatment by an Israeli clinic, where the surgery on the left lung was performed and the surgery on the right one was planned. But before the second surgery, it was necessary to pay off the debt connected with the first one, but Olga's family did not have enough amount. Every day of delay could cost Olga Zabludina's life. The Whole World charitable community has transferred about 250 000 rubles to Zabludina's family.
Elina Kirilova
6 years old
Aid Provided:
11 700 USD
Malignant Tumour of Joint
Elina was diagnosed with a rare and very aggressive form of cancer of the radial bone of the arm at the end of 2012. The additional analysis carried out in St. Petersburg revealed centrers of metastases in the lungs. It was decided to urgently hospitalize the girl for chemotherapy and surgery to remove the tumour and install the implant. The Whole World community has taken custody of Elina. In 2013, Elina underwent several cycles of chemotherapy treatment and a surgery to remove the tumour and install metal structures instead of the affected bone. Thereafter, the so long-awaited remission had set in.
Medina Murtazaliyeva
15 years old
Aid Provided:
61 000 USD
Osteogenic sarcoma
Medina was diagnosed with a tumour of the shin bone. The doctors were fighting for her life during a year. A surgery was performed, but a year later the pain came back.After the health examination at Priorov Central Research Institute it became clear that the girl has a relapse and it is necessary to perform another surgery to replace the bone with an endoprosthesis. Because the quoted treatment was not available, and the girl needed a very urgent help, her parents asked the Whole World charitable fund for support. Thousands of participants of our community raised funds necessary to pay for the surgery and endoprosthesis for Medina. The surgery was successful and Medina returned to home after the rehabilitation period.
Ilya Demidov
7 years old
Aid Provided:
5 500 USD
Brain Tumour
Ilya's parents asked us for help after the boy began suffering of epileptic seizures caused by residual tumour. The boy quickly gained weight and could not move himself. Ilya needed further investigations at N.P.Behterev Institute of Human Brain, because there was no necessary equipment in Murmansk. An additional testing and a new treatment were required, and thus the additional funds had to be collected. During a month, the amount required to pay for flights, accommodation and treatment was raised by the Whole World community team.
Edmond Hachatryan
12 years old
Aid Provided:
40 000 USD
Osteogenic Sarcoma
Edmond Hachatryan is the first person under our care for whom the participants of our project were able to collect within only three weeks the amount necessary to pay for a growing endoprosthesis. The surgery was performed at the 31-th City Hospital in St. Petersburg by Dr. V.P.Silkov. After the successful surgery to replace the affected joint, Edmond underwent post-surgical chemotherapy and was discharged from the hospital. Now, the boy is at home, walks well and lives a full life.
Participants Reviews
Well I have been with the program now for less than a month. I signed up for the business machine a week ago and already I have 3 registrations. Awesome program!!!!!!!. I would definitely try to get all of my friends and family involved. Take it from me sign up today you won't regret a sinWholeWorlde moment for it. Besides it's for "CHARITY PPEOPLE" Help someone today......
Hello, My name is Mike Kitzler and live in Mosbach, Germany. I joined to Whole World few days ago and I'm really appreciate that I can be part of this great, outstanding, and amazing system. Whole World helps people, who needs help and it was my pleasure to spent 100$ for those people.......Everyone can be an part of Whole World to help people around the world.
¿Por qué WholeWorld? WholeWorld es una innovadora y maravillosa oportunidad de participar en una labor mundial de caridad y además de generar ingresos. Veo esta iniciativa como una real, y además, loable, alternativa económica muy viable y sostenible para las personas de todo el mundo, frente a la explosión del desempleo, la pobreza y la miseria económica. Me he identificado profundamente con este proyecto para generar un impacto en la comunidad de América Latina, logrando lo que no puedo lograr individualmente. Se trata de una forma de mirar hacia adentro para encontrar solución a un desafío con muchas aristas por la falta de oportunidades de ingreso. Mediante la creación de un sistema basado en la internet que ofrece una posibilidad para todos y un componente con un valor incalculable llamado "caridad". Siento que este sistema está varios pasos adelante de cualquier compañía. Lo más importante: el programa permite participar de un proyecto económico WholeWorldobal que está muy de acuerdo con mi aspiración personal y me esforzaré al máximo para aprovechar el potencial que tienen la internet y las redes sociales, además, en ayudar capacitando a las personas que se interesen y permitir el acceso a esta solución para generar ingresos online como una forma de aportar mi grano de arena para contrarrestar el desempleo y la pobreza. En resumen, WholeWorld es una solución innovadora basada en internet que se enfoca en dos ámbitos, generación de ingresos y caridad. Un llamdo a servir.
I am Hamid Ahmad an Internet entrepreneur from Singapore. I have always been waiting for something like WholeWorld to initiate the Charity Giving Habits in me. I love helping people and wished that its WholeWorldobally and i came across Whole World, what a blessing. This will empower me to do charity WholeWorldobally instead of regionally. I love these quotes from Mother Theresa: The person who gives with a smile is the best giver because God loves a cheerful giver. ― Mother Teresa When a poor person dies of hunger it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed. ― Mother Teresa
Olá Sou Gilvan Santos. Atualmente estou morando no Brazil. Tomei a decisão de participar dessa comunidade porque acredito que apenas uma pessoa não pode melhorar o mundo. Mais se essas pessoas reunir suas forças a mudança se torna real. Estou bastante alegre e confiante a respeito de minha participação na wholeworld. Acredito que são as boas intenções e as boas ideias que revolucionam o mundo. Apesar do mundo estar passando por crises, acredito que esse programa de caridade internacional poderá melhorar muito, a vida das pessoas tanto particular como familiar Estou iniciando na comunidade, por isso estou torcendo muito pelo sucesso de todos. Desde já agradeço.
Good luck to all people who take part in this program. I hope that this charity help more children throughout the world and those who suffers from conflict also benefit. I am in the process of learning this business and my ambition is to really help. The word Menachem in the Hebrew Language means to Comfort. I really from the bottom of my heart love to help people. As you see in my picture I wear a cap and behind me are my soldiers where I volunteer. We went on a long hike. They call me Daddy Menachem because I act like a father to my soldiers in the Israeli Army. I am very proud and able to volunteer to help people.
Hello my name is Gilbert Kelly and i am from Costa Rica. I decided to join this community on May 5th after seeing an announcement in a Social Network. I decided to Invest time and Money on this because have always liked the Idea to help others and the best thing is that WholeWorld International rewards you for doing it. After joining i have talked to friends and related people about this amazing option and so far i have two members enrolled and certificated . We are so excited about helping others grow with this Company. My Goal is to create a great organization of leaders interested in helping others around the world so we can continue providing to others a better option and positive way to better life style aswell.
Hello, my name is Vallot Ploompuu and I am from Estonia. I decided to join this community on March 6th after seeing an announcement in a Social Network. I decided to Invest time and Money on this because have always liked the Idea to help others. My Goal is to create a great organization of Leaders interested in helping others around the world so we can continue providing to others a better option and positive way to better life style as well.
Combien notre monde a besoin de programmes qui aident les enfants malades mais aussi peut être une solution réelle pour changer, pour le meilleur, la vie quotidienne de beaucoup de familles dans le monde. Whole World est parfaitement le cas et qui répond au besoin de tout un chacun sur la planète. C'est le programme que j'ai rejoint en 2012 et que je n'ai jamais regretté d'y être comme membre actif. J'ai toujours reçu mes aides financières instantanément avec toujours les messages qui m'en avisent. Tous mes amis qui ont rejoint Whole World
soy inversor técnico independiente en forex, 6 años de experiencia , siempre he querido ayudar a la comunidad, y no encontraba la forma de hacerlo ya que hay mucha gente engañadora en la red, y hace pocos días buscaba una fundación para ayudar a la gente y pues conocí WholeWorld International, donde se puede ayudar y ganar dinero al tiempo , al principio no me parecia convincente pero aqui estoy, ya que veo mucha seriedad y Gente sincera. No he obtenido ningun resultado todavia porque es mi primer dia, pero estoy con la expectativa, que sucedera ? Funcionara? Es Real? " Solo espero beneficiar y ser beneficiado"
WholeWorld este o comunitate de oameni pozitivi, hotărâţi, care să se ajute reciproc, sa devina prosperi şi sa participe la acte de binefacere, susţinand copii bolnavi de cancer. Sistemul este conceput în aşa fel încât de-a lungul întregului proces caştigi bani, atâţea bani, caţi doreşti, totul depinde de numărul de prieteni invitaţi în sistem pe baza certificatului ce conţine numele tău. Fiecare din noi are un vis şi doreşte să-l îndeplinească cât mai curand posibil, atât mai bine când în drum spre scopul tău îi poţi ajuta şi pe alţii.
Hi, i'm davide i have see a link of whole world on a forum and i wanted to see what is this, i looked the video about the program and i'm realy interesting. I think the best way for develop the international charity program Whole World it's to use other new program like WholeWorldoballshare who try to create a new community on new social network with WholeWorldobal tchat and WholeWorldobal shares for all subscriber around the world. And i will do that for create my team partnerships. I realy want to create my pub i'm come from to Italy and i live in France, my dream is to open a pub in Paris, but i need money for that and i work for that but it's realy difficult to let the money for my project when you are young. Thank you. All the Best.
name Josue from San Antonio Texas I joined to help the world lwherever it needs help joined November 28 decided to join because that's what I do with my free time and I love to help out because in this day and age it's hard to find Good people in the World I love the idea of getting the whole world because it takes more than one person to change the world I haven't received anything physically but mentally I am end it warms my heart to know that I can do a good deed everyone is Linden A helping hand
EL Placer de hacerlo es porque uno Dando es como recibe! Todo lo que el hombre siembra eso cosecha. Dios bendiga este programa o fundacion para ayuda de todos los mas necesitados los niños. Y esperemos que la ayuda siga de una forma mas rapida y segura para ellos. Amando a los niños Dios nos bendice Y es mejor sembrar primero para luego poder Cosechar!
Das Gefühl zu haben, dass es noch mehr Menschen auf der Welt gibt, die den Gedanken des "Menschen helfen Menschen" in sich haben und weiter tragen macht mir Hoffnung, dass die Welt und damit auch die guten Menschen noch vorhanden sind und damit der Traum von einer besseren Welt weiter leben wird.Ich bin WholeWorldücklich ein Teil dieser Vision sein zu dürfen und freue mich die welt mit meinen kleinen MöWholeWorldichkeiten jedenTag ein bisschen besser machen zu können. Vor allem aber denen ein wenig Hoffnung geben kann, die es sowieso sehr schwer im Leben haben. Wir haben schon öfter Kinder aus Tschernobil bei uns gehabt, die leider schon aus dem Leben gegangen sind, diese Kinder waren für jedes liebe Wort und jeden Tag bei uns sehr dankbar. Von diesen Kindern könnten viele Erwachsene gerade in Deutschland sehr viel lernen. In diesem Sinne alles Liebe und herzliche Grüsse an alle von Hans-Uwe Hoffert
I'm a Filipino from the Philippines I'm a nurse and currently residing and working here in UAE al ain, I'd just saw this at social media, and decided to join to help at the same time to earn. Very nice idea having a fund raising like this,. and I myself have a dream to have my own foundation to help others,. maybe this will be the way..
Ola, meu nome e José Eurípedes, sou de Goiânia, Goias, Brasil. Estou neste negocio porque achei muito bom mesmo, um programa de caridade ajuda mutua mundial, onde as pessoas pode se ajudar um ao outro, com planos otimos onde voçê chega a otimos resultados e seus amigos tambem. Entao, não fique de fora desta grande e fabulosa opurtunidade que ajuda a todos nos.
We rise by lifting others. When people ask me what I want to be when I grow up I say that I want to be a wealthy enough so I can help others, seriously. But its not easy to become a Philanthropist With No money. Winston Churchill said "We make a LIVING by WHAT WE GET, but we make a LIFE by WHAT WE GIVE" "Only by GIVING are you able to receive MORE than you already have" once Jim Rohn said. What if I take it further and with one great system show you the path of how to become a Philanthropist & to make money for yourself wile helping others. How to help millions of those who in need of medical help and millions of those who still dream to become wealthy enough so they can help others too. This days we bring money to the banks and they getting richer every second, how about changing this and make your money work for you? Helping people get what they need most in life is at the heart of successful philanthropy. At first I was skeptical too, but then I thought "If I won't try I'll never know the answer". So, here I'm trying to fulfill my dream to become a wealthy Philanthropist. I haven't given enough away to help others in the past, but my hope is to become a leader and to show others that with this system we can help ourselves by helping others. Online you can become much more than a reactive donor - you can become a proactive, strategic, collaborative philanthropist tapping into the wealth of resources available at the tap of a keyboard or the click of a mouse. Join us.
WholeWorld for me has become an important part of my life... I first began thinking only of the business, but today everytime I receive $5, $10 or $15, I feel very satisfied, because somewhere some child has received $50 to help his or her battle against this terrible sickness called cancer. Thank you WholeWorld for letting us help....and for helping us too. WholeWorld para mi hoy ha llegado a ser una parte importante de mi vida... Al principio solo pensaba en el negocio, pero hoy cada vez que recibo $5, $10 o $15, me siento orgullosa, porque en alguna parte un niño ha recibido $50 como ayuda en su lucha contra este terrible mal llamado Cancer. Gracias WholeWorld por dejarnos ayudar......y por ayudarnos tambien.
Buona Vita a tutti! mi chiamo Natale De Risi e sono Italiano, vivo in Avellino, ho aderito al progetto Whole World perche'lo trovo molto interessante, senza "retorica", aiutare WholeWorldi altri e perche' no' anche se stessi! la Beneficenza fa bene aWholeWorldi amici ed anche ai Nemici, vivi e lascia vivere- G R A Z I E! WHOLE WORLD per averci scelto!!!
Hi, I am Nadimuthu Ganesan from India,a post graduate in science. I have deep love for social work and humanitarian aid service for people who are in dire need of them in the society. I wish to join hands with like-minded people around the world to help each other and extend whatever help i can to the needy people anywhere in the world. Good wishes to all.
Hello World; - My name is Phong Nguyen, and I'm from Vietnam. - I came to America since 1992 to Present. - I was joined the Whole World Programs on August 26, 2015. - The reason for me to join the community is because I wanted to support people all over the world, but I also need people around the world to support me as well. We all wanted to support everyone around the world, but we also need people around the world to support as well, right? That's why I joined the Whole World Community and the only community that truly support people around the world. - I Completed my Financial Aid on August 28, 2015. - I Purchase the Business Machine with the Ultimate Package on August 29, 2015. - I started getting 10 New Partner Registration on August 29, 2015. - I got my first Financial Aid on September 01, 2015. - Today, September 02, 2015. I received 40 New Registration. - Finally, I would like to say thank you to the Whole World giving me the opportunity to support people around the world, and the same time I have the opportunity to start changing my financial support. Support People around the world, and people around the world support you, that's so amazing! I am so happy to support people now, and more happly when I start getting support from people around the world. - DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE - DON'T WORRY - SUPPORT THEM - OTHERS ALSO DOESN'T KNOW YOU, BUT THEY WILL SUPPORT YOU ALONG THE WAY. GOD BLESS! To your success Phong Nguyen
I am retired Insurance Salesman, and throughout my career I have attempted to establish an alternate source of income with no lasting results. I live in a small developing country made up of a chain of islands, the Bahamas, off the coast of Florida, USA. We in the Bahamas have in the past experimented with a local aid program similar to WholeWorld's, which unfortunately turned out to be an illegal "pyramid". In the early part in 2014, I discovered "WholeWorld" while surfing the net and immediately signed on. This method, as I saw it, eliminated the unfair aspects of the "pyramid" and has opened up the world as a source of prospects with whom I can share this opportunity. My intention is to recommend this program to as many people as I can, in the Bahamas as well as worldwide.
Hola!, mi nombre es Javier Cortés y soy de la Ciudad de Puebla, Pue. (México), hace aproximadamente 4 meses y medio me enteré de esta magnífica oportunidad en la Internet y decidí no esperar mas, me percaté que había menos de 10 personas registradas en todo México y que en los países latinoamericanos ¡eran terreno virgen! para WholeWorld International. Algo que me conquistó fue saber que podíamos AYUDAR A SALVAR VIDAS de muchos niños en el mundo que están listados en la base de datos de la fundación Whole World, y que el sistema de WholeWorld International, era el medio por el cual esto podría lograrse de la forma mas eficiente, yo me he aprendido los nombres de muchos de estos niños y de los hospitales donde se atienden, pues de forma sincera estoy comprometido con lo que es para mi "nuestro principal propósito". Así que decidí tomar el liderazgo en los países hispanos y en tan solo 90 días llevamos a México de la posición 90° en el Ranking Mundial que ofrece en sus reportes la Fundación Whole World, a la posición 8° dentro de una lista de mas de 122 países...!!!, y hemos extendido ya nuestra red de benefactores ha Estados Unidos, Costa Rica y Argentina y seguimos creciendo de forma por demás exponencial. Mis planes son llevar a los países latinos a los primeros lugares a nivel mundial en el ranking de la Fundación, y demostrar que podemos influir en el mundo de forma positiva, "Ayudando Financieramente" y "Salvando Vidas". Tu puedes ser par
I am Mr.Charlie Tambor L Mawlieh from India, Shillong. I join WholeWorld on 23/11/2015 and I decided to join to make the better World by helping The Children around the World through the International Charity Program Whole World. My Plans is to raise 100 Millions Dollars for Charity Program. I believe this can be achieve with the help of WholeWorld System. Thanks to the Whole World International Development Program of Public Charity.
Soy de Argentina Decidí sumarme a la comunidad de WholeWorld para ayudar y porque me pareció una empresa seria. También quiero ser recompensado y lograr independencia financiera. Y si esto funciona como dicen mis compañeros de la comunidad con más experiencia en la compañía, donaré más dinero. Un saludo a todos los hispano hablantes!
Homo sapiens crown of creation is contradictory a creature can create a wonderful things, but he can even to destroy much ... good and evil is in all of us depends only on us what we give more space ... in the world there are many people who have problems surviving and are dependent on the help of others because in their country do not have the opportunity to live in satisfactory conditions , but the most of children suffer ... each of us after death take only his deeds, therefore, not we waste time and let us give from what we have in addition to those who in need so they can at least die with dignity if they no longer have the possibility to to live with dignity ... Unfortunately not saying in EnWholeWorldish - am using PC Translator.
H I'm qusaay aljbory from iraq , I'm working in a small shop for 12 years ago my life was unhappy , everything is hopeless until I see the wholeworld wholeworld is the best way to get money eisely but you must be able to work hard to get the best results!!! I hope everyone see this program to join us to make a good life to him and to his family But the important thing is Don't be afraid and don't be lazy help the children and help yourself Good luck for everyone
Olá meu nome é Lucas, confesso que estou muito feliz em poder participar de uma empresa que conta com 700 mil pessoas em todo o mundo para ajudar uns aos outros; O projeto WholeWorld é uma excelente oportunidade para que todos possam participar da realização de programas de caridade destinadas a ajudar as crianças, fornecendo e recebendo ajuda financeira de outros participantes da comunidade; Voluntários e benfeitores podem participar ativamente na vida da comunidade, ajudar na captação de recursos, apoiar e desenvolver o site, organizar e realizar uma série de atividades. Quero parabenizar a todo equipe pelo sucesso desta empresa e pela oportunidade que me concederam. Um forte abraço e que DEUS abençoe a todos nós. Lucas
I am a retired teacher from madanapalle famous for philosophy from where Maharish Mahesh yogi and Jiddu krishna murthy started their journey to the highest spirituality. Madanpalle is in andhrapradesh of india. your programme is really wonderful. by joining your community i feel highly elevated. i think that idea to develop the international charity programme will attract almost all rich and poor persons in the entire world and many poor are benefited and donors are blessed. I wish to spread the WholeWorld in india along with other rich countries and try my best to work meticulously.the distance between rich and poor be slowly diminished and all become happy
Welcome Salvador Vallejo here I recently live in Oxnard Ca and for the past 8 years I've been dedicated to find solution for people's needs,When I came across with Whole World I saw the potential way to change people's life for something good to me this is a very easy way to share info based on increasing values on a positive way that would make a difference in anybody's life . I'm here to support you and work together on moving forward. Thanks
I joined to this programm to conect with many people worldwide, join the international charity programm Whole World and I hope to gain with my work to with a lot of al persons who want to be involved. with all. I live in Stuttgart in Germany The results since 2 years are not so good, as I hoped, but now it can be, that people who join also pay to all of us ...being in this way a perfect referal for the programm.
Merhaba ben Ercan Bahar. Türkiye den katılıyorum. Çok güzel bir sistem.hem yardım ediyor hem kazanıyoruz. yeni arkadaşlıklar yeni dostluklar kazanıyoruz. Whole World ismi gibi tüm dünyada Büyümeye kazandırmaya yardımlaşmaya devam ediyor.. teşekkürler Whole World. Hi Ercan BAHAR. From turkey I agree. It's a very nice system.helping both and we're winning. new friendships, new friendships we're making. Whole world all over the world such as the name to give to continue to keep grow. thanks whole world
I'm sure that we can grow this proyect together. Here in Celaya, Guanajuato Mexico, we started to make people know this system by a office placed in my house and many people are now interested just as me. I'm 29 years old, father of two beautiful kids, bank executive. And I'm sure this will be my personal business plan that will give us a financial stability.
Известно: кто хочет, ищет возможности. Кто не хочет, ищет оправдания. Самый целеустремлённый человек — это тот, который очень хочет в туалет: все преграды кажутся несущественными, для него несущественно все, кроме цели. Согласитесь, смешно слышать фразы типа: "Я описался, потому что не было времени сходить в туалет. Или - я был слишком уставший. А еще: Я потерял надежду. Я не верил, что смогу добежать..." Выкидывайте привычные от мазки, отучайте себя от само оправданий!
I am Joan Wilson, a woman of purpose. I saw this add in face book group on how to make money on the internet. I look at the program, and listen to the video. I decided to join, and, the reason why I join it is because I do have that passion to help children, and this a good way to help. When I saw this plan, and system, I realize it is something I can relate to, because this program is helping children and that is what I would like to be apart of. I love helping children. I have accepted this challenge in being apart of this Charitable Organization to do more for children, who are always the victim in todays situation around the World. My motto also is 'Give, and it shall be given unto you'. I am Proud to be apart of WholeWorld.
Hello world This business touch me cause we're really helping people. No product to sell, no autoship every month. .. Money didn't buy Happiness but it help to sharing it. We're helping children's and we're helping our life in the same time Join my team and I gonna show you how to build a dynasty of happiness Thank you All
Olá o meu Nome é António Fernandes nasci em Portugal e admito que vibro de emoção por viver esta maravilhosa realidade de fazer parte de um grupo de homens e mulheres de todas as raças e credos, impelidos pelo objetivo altruísta, ajudando crianças de todo o mundo e fortalecer os benfeitores que me anteciparam abrindo caminho para um paraíso na terra. Por favor não tenha medo de contribuir para o bem. Principalmente não tenha medo de apreciar o bem, e de acreditar que tudo que der ao mundo o mundo lhe multiplicará.
My name is Aurangzeb Tunio living in Karachi Pakistan, working in Local Airline , its my hobby to participate social media making new friends, like travelling visited USA, UK, Singapore, Dubai, Thailand . Charity, helping its sound of my heart , I like those who helping hands and sharing happiness, when i seen in Facebook checkout details decided to join, Svetlana doing Good job.

TOP-10 Fundraisers
June 2024

Vladimir Ruzanov
Russia, St. Petersburg
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
11 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Nadezhda Kochurova
Russia, Izhevsk
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
3 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Aleksey Ivanov
Russia, Glazov
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
2 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Dmitrij Bykovcov
Belarus, Vitebsk
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Koffi Azigui
Canada, Hull
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Irina Markelova
Russia, Rostov-na-donu
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Sergey Ryabets
Russia, Tambov
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Elena Gromova
United States, Milwaukee
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
Tatiana Verlan
Russia, Kursk
0 Benefactors (RELAY RACE)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers
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